Atlanta Palms: The Palm Tree Experts
Atlanta Palms: The Palm Tree Experts

The Palm Tree Experts!

Your Local Palm Tree Nursery

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Why Plant Our Palm Trees?

Instant Tropical Atmosphere!

Set it and forget it, seasonal palms for your patio, deck, or pool.

  • Place anywhere
  • Easy maintenance
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Palm Care & Design Tips

Pindo Palm Cold Hardiness: Should I Plant One in Atlanta?

Pindo Palm Cold Hardiness: Should I Plant One in Atlanta?

If you've ever been captivated by a poolside landscape filled with graceful Pindo Palms, you might find yourself wondering how stunning they would...Read more
palm trees in freezing temperatures

Can Palm Trees Survive Freezing Temps?

When you imagine paradise, it is often a vision of sandy beaches, tropical warmth, and iconic lush palm trees. Palms unquestionably evoke images o...Read more
palm trees in containers

Palms - The Perfect Container Plants

  Palms possess a special allure that brings the feeling of exotic tropical paradise wherever they are placed. However, not all climates and locat...Read more


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