If you’ve got a green thumb, you already know that our leafy little friends need plenty of care—especially when they’re still young.

From finding the perfect balance of sun (or shade!) to keeping their soil just right, every detail matters. And if you’re a more seasoned plant lover, you might even want to give your newly planted greens a boost with the right fertilizer.

If you’re not a hardcore horticulture enthusiast, think of a plant like a baby—just one that won’t scream “Moooom!” at 2 AM. 

Plants are living beings; they breathe, they eat, they grow, and they each have unique care needs depending on their type.

But in all seriousness, every plant requires attention, no matter its age, size, or species. Below are some key things to keep in mind before welcoming a new green baby into your backyard!

What to take into consideration - We’ll have plenty of time to dive deep into palms, but let’s start with the basics!

First things first: Where? And where is more than placing your plant in a nice spot. You would like to know what type of sun your plan will need. Does it thrive in full sun, or does it prefer a bit of shade? Finding the right balance will set it up for success. 

Watering frequency: some plants need frequent watering, while others only need extra care during the first few weeks after transplanting. Also, you may consider the season: summer heat means faster evaporation, so you’ll need to water more often.

Fertilization and soil conditions are also important. Broadly speaking newly planted trees benefit from an initial boost and, depending on the species, additional feeding at specific times of the year may be needed.

As for soil, while some delicate plants are picky, one rule applies to most—good drainage is a must!

If you are a regular blog reader we know you already know this one! Cold Hardiness. Climate is a deal-breaker when choosing a plant, especially when it comes to palms.

And here’s where we shift the focus: while all palms, like all plants, need care, not all palms need the same type of care—and definitely, not all of them thrive in just any climate.

A quick refresher on cold hardiness

We’ve long discussed climate change and how it is impacting not just hotter summers but also extremely cold winters.

Georgia spans zones 7A to 9A, meaning winter temperatures can range from 0°F to 30°F. 

Atlanta’s northern areas fall into zones 8A and 7B cold (5°-15°F) and if you live in the southern outskirts you can range between 8A and 8B (10°-20°F).

Just keep these numbers in mind, we’ll piece it all together shortly!.

OK, we got it all but…

We know we need to choose plants based on our cold hardiness zone, and we understand the care required for palms (and any other plant we would like to grow) but why? Why all the fuss about being so careful?

Here’s where everything comes together: just like you’d make your child wear a sweater in winter to avoid catching a cold, your plants can suffer from diseases too. (Here is when you start thinking: Wouldn’t it be nice if they could just tell us what’s wrong? but you can’t really have it all, right?).

Diagnosing plant issues isn’t always straightforward. But, as our grandmothers wisely said, it’s better to prevent….

Common diseases and probable causes

So what are some of the things that might affect our palm trees?

Fungal infections are sometimes caused by poor drainage. Bacterial diseases typically spread by insects or contaminated tools. Cold damage: freezing temperatures weaken palms making them vulnerable to infections.

As a general rule, a combination of proper planting, watering and care can help prevent most of the above issues.

But. Yes, of course there is always a “but”. While we can do our best to care for them, some palms just won’t thrive, no matter how much attention they get

And that's where we come in—to help you avoid the disappointment of planting a palm that simply won’t stand a chance in the US.

A Palm Tree that Would not Thrive in Georgia—or Much of the U.S. no matter how Caring a Plant Parent You Are.

Some palms, no matter how much love and attention you give them, just aren’t meant to grow here—kind of like trying to raise a tropical fish in an icy pond. And one of those high-maintenance “babies” in the Atlanta area and most of Georgia is the Sylvester Palm.

The Sylvester Palm (Phoenix sylvestris), also known as the Silver Date Palm, is a striking, medium-to-large palm native to India and South Asia. With its elegant, arching fronds and distinctive diamond-patterned trunk, this palm brings a touch of tropical elegance to any landscape—but that’s where the dream ends.

Sylvester palms are only cold-hardy down to about 15-20°F. But in Georgia, especially in northern and central regions, winter temperatures can drop below that (you remember the cold hardiness data from a few paragraphs ago, right?). An unexpected freeze can lead to serious damage or even death. 

And don’t think southern Georgia is a safe zone either! Even there, a sudden cold snap can wipe them out.

But hey, we know some of you are the overprotective plant parents who wrap the trunk, string up warm lights, and do everything short of tucking your palm in with a blanket to keep it cozy through winter. We get that.

But here’s the thing—there’s a much bigger reason to steer clear of planting a Sylvester Palm, and it comes with a full name: Lethal Bronzing.

What is Lethal Bronzing and why does it affect Sylvester Palm trees in Georgia and Florida?

Lethal Bronzing Disease (LBD), also known as Texas Phoenix Palm Decline, is a serious bacterial disease that affects several palm species but the Sylvester is particularly vulnerable to it.

It is caused by a phytoplasma, a type of bacteria that lives in the sap of infected trees and is spread by sap-sucking insects called planthoppers.

Lethal Bronzing has been found in multiple states across the U.S., meaning no matter where you plant a Sylvester Palm, it’s not just the cold you have to worry about.

Now, how do I know that my Sylvester Palm is suffering from LBD? Here are the most common symptoms of LBD: 

  • Premature fruit drop – If the palm is fruiting, the fruit will fall before it ripens.

  • Wilting and bronzing of fronds – This is where the name comes from: Older fronds turn reddish-brown, starting from the bottom and moving up.

  • Collapse of the spear leaf – The youngest, central frond dies and easily pulls out.

Tree death – Once the spear leaf is affected, the palm usually dies within a few weeks. 

At this point, you might be thinking: Alright, like most diseases, there must be a treatment—just like when a child gets a sore throat and you give them antibiotics.

We hate to be the bearers of bad news, but there is no cure once the palm is infected. The only option is to remove and destroy the tree to prevent further spread.

If you’re thinking of planting a Sylvester Palm anywhere in the U.S., ask yourself: Is it really worth the risk?

If you want a palm that can truly thrive, consider:

Windmill Palm:  One of the most cold-hardy palms, tolerating temps as low as 5°F.

Needle Palm: Extremely cold-hardy.

Dwarf Palmetto (Sabal Minor): Low maintenance and can withstand freezing temperatures.